Photography Of Exceptional Pets
Franklin Photography Studios

Photography Of Exceptional Pets

Dollie is a Doll faced Persian cat who was photographed here at about 9 weeks of age. She has beautiful white fur and gorgeous blue eyes. You can tell even at such a young age that she will grow into a very regal, exquisite cat. During her first photoshoot she was photographed on this red velvet chair, and also inside a red polka dotted coffee mug on a blue seamless backdrop. We used a Canon Rr5 to capture these images of her, along with a no nonsense one light set up where we used one Profoto light inside of a large umbrella with diffusion fabric. She actually wore this crown on her head and sat still for just a few seconds so no photoshop was used in creating this image.

FRANKLIN PHOTOGRAPHY • 10810 East Via Linda Suite 105 • Scottsdale, AZ 85259 • (480) 221-2851